Firma z tradycjami
Fundusze Norweskie ENG

Lake Solina – a paradise for water enthusiasts and motorboat enthusiasts
Project supported by the Norwegian Financial Mechanism
Cooperation of the company TRANS-SAN Ltd. Limited partnership with Norwegian Funds As part of the Norwegian and EEA funds, Norway contributes to reducing social and economic inequalities and strengthening bilateral relations with beneficiary countries in Central and Southern Europe and the Baltic Sea region. Norway closely collaborates with the EU under the Agreement on the European Economic Area (EEA). Together with other donors, Norway has provided 3.3 billion euros through various fund programs from 1994 to 2014.
TRANS-SAN Ltd. Limited partnership is implementing a project that has received financial support from the Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2014-2021 under Priority Axis 19 Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2014-2021, Action 19.1 New Products and Investments, Sub-action 19.1.2 Innovations in the area of inland or maritime waters – Blue growth.
Project Title: “Construction of a modern medium-sized marina with the purchase of environmentally friendly floating units equipped with an innovative fleet management system on Lake Solina.”
Project Value: PLN 10,097,070.00
Project Grant: PLN 5,642,900.00
Together, we work towards a green, competitive, and socially integrative Europe. The main goal of the project is to implement innovative boat fleet rental services on Lake Solina using, among other things, a dedicated fleet management system developed as part of the project. This system is designed for managing floating units in navigational waters, making the service innovative on a global scale.
The implementation of the project will result in the following effects:
- Establishment of facilities for safe recreation on inland waters by providing new boat and yacht rental services with environmentally friendly electric propulsion on Lake Solina.
- Implementation of an innovative fleet management system for boats and yachts, significantly enhancing the company’s competitiveness in the market.
- Implementation of pro-ecological solutions and reduction of environmental impact.
- Commencement of tourism services as a business diversification, attracting new customers.
Increase in revenues, profit achievement, diversification to become independent from the current packaging market situation.
Enhancement of the company’s innovative and competitive potential.

The project’s implementation, including the introduction of innovative boat fleet rental services on Lake Solina, will increase the competitiveness and innovative potential of the Trans-San company, leading to increased revenue, profit, and revenue diversification.
The implemented service delivery system (rental of boats and yachts equipped with an innovative system) offers several benefits, including:
Safety: The system, through collected data, can predict malfunction times and foresee issues before they occur.
Comprehensive services: Facilitates fleet management for renters.
Error tolerance: The system allows analysis of the boat’s condition.
Collision detection: Detects collisions, impacts, and tilts.
Automatic voice messages: Provides automatic voice communications and on-demand messages to the central office.
Dynamic analysis: Analyzes dynamic data specific to each day, such as water level and boat loading.
Battery monitoring: Dynamically analyzes and reports battery conditions, especially during tilting.
Implemented tasks:
Task 1: Purchase of fixed assets to equip the marina (boats and yachts, system for removing floating waste).
Task 2: Development work – research conducted based on an agreement.
Task 3: Acquisition of construction works and materials (construction of piers).
Check the Norwegian Funds website here: / /

Transformacja firmy
W roku 2015 firma Trans-San przekształciła się w spółkę zmieniając swoją nazwę na Trans-San Sp. z o.o. Sp. k.
Produkcja tulei papierowych
Następnym etapem inwestycyjnym był zakup parku maszynowego do produkcji tulei papierowych spiralnie zwijanych, które służą do nawijania rozmaitych materiałów (np. włókna, taśmy, folie, etykiety, papiery, kable) lub mogą być wykorzystywane w procesach pakowania (plakatów, ulotek, map, dokumentów).
Folia stretch
Kolejnym etapem rozwoju firmy było wdrożenie inwestycji w zakresie zakupu linii do produkcji folii stretch. Inwestycja w nową linie produkcyjną poszerzyło portfolio firmy o kolejne nowe produkty.
Od roku 2017 firma wprowadziła na rynek nowe produkty tj. folie stretch jumbo, maszynową, ręczną oraz mini rapy. Szerokie możliwości nowej linii umożliwiają produkcję folii o różnych właściwościach tj. grubość, wytrzymałość oraz zabarwienie.

Zaangażowanie i sumienność
Naszym zaangażowaniem zdobyliśmy szerokie grono zadowolonych Klientów oraz nawiązaliśmy stabilną współpracę z uznanymi firmami z naszego regionu. Zapewniamy wysoką jakość naszych produktów w atrakcyjnych cenach.